Tuesday, July 7, 2009

10 on 10

10 on 10, an idea I gleaned from Aleah's blog. Take a photo of your life every hour on the hour...(or as close as you can realistically get to it.) It's a photo journal of the day.

9am: Corbin opens the package that came in the mail... it's Daddy's new phone! Yay!
10am: Tea and a bagel. With plenty of real, full fat cream cheese.
11am: Playing in the backyard.
12 noon: This is the view I have when I look directly up in my backyard. Yes, a complete canopy.
1pm: Leftover Chinese food for lunch. Health is not our main concern today, obviously. Boy, is it yummy.
2pm: Grandpa Don hanging out with the grand kids.
3pm: Peppermint ice cream. Oh, yeah.
4pm: Folding sweaters.
5pm: Waiting for veggie burgers to come out of the toaster oven.
6pm: So very sad... because I set her down.


  1. very cool Lauren! I would have forgetten after the second hour LOL

  2. Haha... and I just figured out it's supposed to be on the 10th of the month that you do it. Whups. Try again next time. :) Perfection is so far off.
