Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ruffles are a Girl's Best Friend

Thanks to the lovely J. Crew, I've been on a bit of a ruffles kick. Especially when it comes to ruffles on plain stretchy tees... and things made from plain stretchy tees, like this skirt. I made it thinking that it would fit my little girl, but again, I vastly misjudged sizing. Way too big. But perfect for another little girl I know.

I learned a few things while making this skirt... like where to place the ruffles, and to use more pins than I think necessary. The first one always has more problems than I want. This material was very slippery and extremely stretchy, which makes it fantastic to wear, but a little difficult with which to work. However, it was extremely simple. I simply cut off the bottom of a stretchy XL woman's tee that I found on excessive clearance at Stuffmart (seriously, cheaper than buying fabric) and cut strips from the leftover material that I ruffled end on end, then sewed it to the skirt. Not exactly in the right place, mind you... but now I know how to make the next ones. :)


  1. Cute Lauren!
    You really have a knack for this stuff...

  2. Thank you, Chelsie! You're so sweet.

  3. great job with the experimenting! That's what I need to do more of.

  4. Thanks, Ashley. I'd love to see something that you sew sometime. :)
