Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Caps for Sale

Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business by Esphyr Slobodkina has been one of my favorite books since I was a little kid. It's a fun and simple story that uses repetition to capture the attention of kids.  I think the first time I learned of it was while watching Reading Rainbow (one of the best kid shows ever, right along side Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood) and now I read it to my kiddos. Our library has the jumbo version for story time, and whenever the kids and I go there we read the massive Caps for Sale book. But now, thanks to Grandma and Aunt Sarah, Corbin has his very own copy. I must mention that one of the reasons I love this book so much is because of the illustrations. They're minimalistic, stick to a fantastic color scheme, and that color scheme happens to be one of my very favorites.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Community Supported Agriculture... Who knew?

Oh, the invaluable things I learn from my friend Emily. The most recent of these things: Community Supported Agriculture. When she was telling me about this last week I had never ever heard of it before. But guess what? Everyone should know.  The way CSA works is 1: buy a share in a local farm (or half a share, each setup is different), 2: wait for the food to grow, and 3: pick up your box fresh, local, and many times organic food from this farm once a week during growing season. Some of these farms offer even more than just veggies, like meat, eggs, fresh flowers, hay, and compost. I'm so excited to get involved with a CSA farm when we move. Check out the Local Harvest website to do a search for a nearby CSA farm. Way cool. I owe the reality of all my local slow food dreams to you, Em.