Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Novice Nation Album

Corbin's godfather has a band, Novice Nation, and John and I did the artwork for their new album. I did photos and John did all the other design work. You'll have to buy the actual album to see the rest of the way-cool packaging complete with a mini-vinyl looking disc, but you can check out their music on lala, buy their album at DFJams, or stalk them via their myspace or facebook fan page.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I bought myself this book for my birthday last week because I loved it the moment I saw it. I simply couldn't put it back on the shelf. It is too awesome. I have a thing for hand written and drawn books, and this one is full of smart ideas and ways to become a more keen observer of the art and joyful details that exist in life. It encourages creativity, resourcefulness, documentation, collection, constant observation, comparison, and a general astuteness of mind. It also has a bunch of guides and suggestions for exploration projects, and all of the ideas for activities in this book are free, which is fantastic. I love this book. I love it so much, in fact, that I'll be using it as a a loose textbook for a kids' art class I'll be doing this summer.  This is a book that has something to teach to people of all ages.