Friday, September 17, 2010
New Issue of LMNOP Out Now
I just love this, so I have to share it with you again. If you have kids or if kids are a part of your life this is for you. Download HERE. Then subscribe so it comes to your inbox in the future. :) Free online magazines are the best.
Free Things,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Caps for Sale
Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business by Esphyr Slobodkina has been one of my favorite books since I was a little kid. It's a fun and simple story that uses repetition to capture the attention of kids. I think the first time I learned of it was while watching Reading Rainbow (one of the best kid shows ever, right along side Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood) and now I read it to my kiddos. Our library has the jumbo version for story time, and whenever the kids and I go there we read the massive Caps for Sale book. But now, thanks to Grandma and Aunt Sarah, Corbin has his very own copy. I must mention that one of the reasons I love this book so much is because of the illustrations. They're minimalistic, stick to a fantastic color scheme, and that color scheme happens to be one of my very favorites.
Favorite Children's Books
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Community Supported Agriculture... Who knew?
Oh, the invaluable things I learn from my friend Emily. The most recent of these things: Community Supported Agriculture. When she was telling me about this last week I had never ever heard of it before. But guess what? Everyone should know. The way CSA works is 1: buy a share in a local farm (or half a share, each setup is different), 2: wait for the food to grow, and 3: pick up your box fresh, local, and many times organic food from this farm once a week during growing season. Some of these farms offer even more than just veggies, like meat, eggs, fresh flowers, hay, and compost. I'm so excited to get involved with a CSA farm when we move. Check out the Local Harvest website to do a search for a nearby CSA farm. Way cool. I owe the reality of all my local slow food dreams to you, Em.
Things that Actually Matter
Friday, June 4, 2010
We're moving... to WA!
Image by Steve G. Bisig
Church Planting,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Novice Nation Album
Corbin's godfather has a band, Novice Nation, and John and I did the artwork for their new album. I did photos and John did all the other design work. You'll have to buy the actual album to see the rest of the way-cool packaging complete with a mini-vinyl looking disc, but you can check out their music on lala, buy their album at DFJams, or stalk them via their myspace or facebook fan page.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I bought myself this book for my birthday last week because I loved it the moment I saw it. I simply couldn't put it back on the shelf. It is too awesome. I have a thing for hand written and drawn books, and this one is full of smart ideas and ways to become a more keen observer of the art and joyful details that exist in life. It encourages creativity, resourcefulness, documentation, collection, constant observation, comparison, and a general astuteness of mind. It also has a bunch of guides and suggestions for exploration projects, and all of the ideas for activities in this book are free, which is fantastic. I love this book. I love it so much, in fact, that I'll be using it as a a loose textbook for a kids' art class I'll be doing this summer. This is a book that has something to teach to people of all ages.
Favorite Children's Books,
Free Things,
Monday, March 29, 2010
More Uno Party
Ah, Uno. (Continued from the first Uno post.) What a great theme and such a fun game. Check out this awesome Uno deck. We made party hats and then ate... there were corn dogs, beer battered fish, aunt Darlene's awesome broccoli salad, mini caramel apples, cotton candy, all manner of melon, Red Vines, Skittles from the candy dispenser that used to be John's grandpa's, orange chocolate cupcakes, and sparkling lemonade. Yes, crazy too much sugar.
What? Time for gifts?
My babies are Converse babies. I'm pretty sure they're the only shoes Corbin could walk in now. Well, Chucks and mud boots.
The thoroughly overwhelmed birthday boy. Notice his hat? Not one, but two 4s. And nothing else.
I LOVE that my mother in law knits sweaters for the kids. Corbin is cool like Mr. Rogers. And that's saying a lot, I love Mr. Rogers. Corbin's favorite gift by far from the party? The green fold-out T-Rex card that came with Aunt Darlene's gift. He's been carrying it everywhere and the night of the party he slept with it under his pillow. There was almost an incident when he brought it into the bathroom and Petra splashed it after he bath. That was a close one.
Petra found her own presents and dug through them, stopping only to read books and play with this pop-up card from Auntie Karen. She got this beautiful dress from my sister.
She stood for the longest she ever has and she seemed very pleased with herself... but she still wouldn't walk to mama Tasha.
Sweet happy birthday girl.
Well, crazy straws really are the best.
Those who were willing to expose their age showed it with Uno cards. That's my daddy.
I scanned my Uno cards and made little prints that I taped to toothpicks for cupcake toppers. I've got files of scanned Uno cards if anyone wants them.
Corbin had a green 4 on his cupcake, but Pete needed help blowing out her Uno. Petra's trick candle was the only one that kept re-lighting. Corbin got a kick out of that.
SMUSH...cupcake time. She did NOT like the super sweet frosting, and Corbin only ate his frosting, so Petra ate both cake parts. First sweets? Yeah, right.
Snuggles with grandma Tricia, it's tiring being the center of attention. And what are John and his dad doing?
Still going strong, much later. Nice baby.
I really love balloons. Such simple decorations... so cheap and beautiful. It was a great party, fun was had by all. But even my new party-sized table doesn't hold parties the size we have, apparently. That's why we have zillions of other chairs. Sometimes it looks very strange having all the chairs when our house isn't mid-party. Another year passed... it hardly feels like it. But things are well at the Kelley home. Very well indeed.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Uno Party
Here are the kiddos, wild haired and ready for their big Uno birthday party tonight in the shirts I made them. I thought I'd take some photos while they were still clean. That's right, thinking ahead. Petra turned one on Tuesday and Corbin turns 4 on Tuesday. So, either before they care or to get them used to it (haven't decided yet) we're doing a double party. I saw the idea for an Uno party at the Made blog and thought it would be perfect. I also used her 90 minute shirt tutorial and freezer paper stenciling technique to make the shirts. Corbo's all time favorite color is green, so he's a green four. And well, Pete is Uno. More from the party after it happens. :) I should probably go make cupcakes instead of posting this right now.
Birthday Party,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Honey Pot
Why do I love shopping at thrift stores? Because it's like treasure hunting. Because I love all things vintage. And because I can find exactly what I was looking for... for $1.99.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
First Sale... and Other News
There it is. My first official sale, ready to be wrapped up and sent away to it's new owner. This sale, which happened quite out of the blue at a coffee shop while John and I were in Chicago last week (news about Chicago to follow soon), has inspired me to grow my love of sewing into an (ideally) thriving and profitable home business. Starting within a few days, my handy-dandy and earth friendly little coffee sleeves will be available for purchase at the Wired Bean, a local coffee shop... more selling locations to follow. :) Also, as soon as I decide on a name (my first choice was already registered as a username, drat!) and get myself branded, I'll be up on Etsy. Yay! Progress is good.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
$0 Per Gallon
I like my kids in t-shirts. Especially if they have something awesome on the front like a patch from Microcosm. I just used one of Petra's shirts to make the pattern and whipped up this little number in just a few minutes. No, I didn't mean to put the patch on crooked, as my husband asked me when I showed him. And yes, I did catch the fabric a little when I sewed on the patch. But it was my first try. And it's not half bad.
First Attempts,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I have never given up anything for lent before this year, but I was inspired by my pastor Jeff and the sermon he gave recently on radical generosity. He suggested that rather than simply give up something for Lent, give it up and take the money you would have spent on it during that time and give it away. You can find the sermon I'm talking about under the media page here and you can check out an additional post about giving on Jeff's blog.
I'm giving up sweets and deserts of all kinds. I don't spend an especially large amount of money on this, but I do enjoy it quite a lot... so through these 40 days my body is likely going to thank me. It might be very difficult, but sacrifice isn't supposed to be an easy or flippant thing. And I get the opportunity to be reminded to pray each time I want a sweet treat. I do have one exception: I get my honey in my tea. It's really required. Come to think of it, I probably need a new honey pot... mine has been gone for a long time. Maybe this honey pot?
Either way, I've got it easy. John is giving up coffee.
I'm giving up sweets and deserts of all kinds. I don't spend an especially large amount of money on this, but I do enjoy it quite a lot... so through these 40 days my body is likely going to thank me. It might be very difficult, but sacrifice isn't supposed to be an easy or flippant thing. And I get the opportunity to be reminded to pray each time I want a sweet treat. I do have one exception: I get my honey in my tea. It's really required. Come to think of it, I probably need a new honey pot... mine has been gone for a long time. Maybe this honey pot?
Either way, I've got it easy. John is giving up coffee.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Baby Leg Warmers
I've made about a zillion pairs of these fantastic little guys. I firmly believe that they are one of the most important and functional pieces of clothing a baby or toddler can have. But why pay $12 for Babylegs? I have NO idea. Instead, you should make them in just a few minutes for a dollar or two (completely depending on how much you paid for the socks). There is a great tutorial at Sew Much Ado if you want to learn how to DIY your baby leg warmers. These are one of my go-to baby shower gifts... simple, inexpensive, and awesomely useful. Note: always use knee high socks, calf length are way too short. Happy sewing!
Parasol Issue 6 has Arrived!
Issue six of Parasol magazine is out online. :) I especially love the mobiles by Royal Buffet. Check it out and download it for FREE here.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Reusable Coffee Sleeve
Inspired by the new opening of a coffee shop that actually makes good coffee (they get their coffee from the same semi-local roaster we get ours from at church... and we're a church full of coffee snobs), I recently made some reusable coffee sleeves with this tutorial from House on Hill Road. Two for birthday gifts for friends, one for myself. :) The tutorial is great, so simple. I used two layers of upcycled wool instead of two layers of cotton and one of batting. I find that the fewer components there are in a project, the fewer opportunities there are to make a mess of things. They took a matter of minutes to make and I must admit that I like whipping it out of my purse when I go out for coffee. I'm thinking I should probably make these and sell them at this new coffee shop. Now all I need is a logo from my fantastic logo-designing husband. Are you reading this, husband? I love you.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Printable Valentines
My favorite free printable valentines of the year... way cute. Print them, sign them, give them. I just made Valentine's Day so easy for you.
Free Things,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Purple Tweed

Purple tweed coat fully lined in a super soft fuzzy something. I don't even remember where this fabric came from. Made with a Butterick 3785 pattern I quickly realized I didn't know how to read. Patterns. Psh. Who needs em? Well, probably me, but the pattern promptly turned into a loose guide because it wasn't meant to be a lined coat. But it needed to be... because it's very cold here. Balmy today at 6 whole degrees as I write this. The jacket turned out nicely enough, but alas, I misjudged sizes and then put the buttons on in such a way that made it seem even bigger. The coat that was intended for a 9 month old went to the 2 year old. And it fits her well. Oh, boy, the things I have to learn about sizing.
First Attempts,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Notes on the Days
Corbin's favorite song: Doxology
Petra's favorite song: You Are My Sunshine
At 9 months, Petra is all over the place getting into everything she can. She pulls herself up and cruises around before falling *poof* onto her big diaper bum. She says dadadadadada ALL the time. But not mama very much. She prefers to feed herself and still puts absolutely everything in her mouth. The other morning she ate more pancakes for breakfast than I did. Also, she is an extremely light sleeper. Her hair seems to be getting more and more red... but that's probably just because she's finally getting more of it. Only 2 teeth still. Right on the bottom. Very sweet.
Corbin is 3 and loves Pocky, the color green (red second), school, reading, and is a huge fan of movies. He named his huge 6 foot long crochet snake from auntie Hannah... Chowder the Snake. Yep. Chowder. He's so goofy lately... he started telling jokes. They're not funny yet. He's got so much energy. It's probably because he still naps for 4 hours every day. I'm glad he does, because I need that quiet. He loves Petra and she loves him. But he likes to wrestle and she doesn't always... only sometimes. Corbin loves his aunts and uncles and grandparents. He talks about them constantly, wondering Who's coming to our house today? He likes to know where everything in the house came from.... what store or who gave it to us.
He loves running errands with me. The other day we went to the bank and there were plate-sized cookies and mint chocolates and they gave him a little Wells Fargo horse. When I say little I mean a large stuffed animal. He now thinks the bank is the coolest place ever.
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